Definition of Black flag

1. Noun. A flag usually bearing a white skull and crossbones on a black background; indicates a pirate ship.

Exact synonyms: Blackjack, Jolly Roger, Pirate Flag
Generic synonyms: Flag
Terms within: Skull And Crossbones

Definition of Black flag

1. Noun. A flag with a black color, used as a symbol of anarchism. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Black Flag

black currant
black cypress pine
black diamond
black disease
black drop effect
black duck
black dwarf
black dwarfs
black economy
black elder
black elderberry
black eye
black eyes
black felt cup
black fever
black flag
black flags
black fly
black fox
black friar
black friars
black fritillary
black game
black garden ant
black gold
black grama
black greasewood
black grouse
black grouses
black guillemot

Literary usage of Black flag

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Historic Note-book: With an Appendix of Battles by Ebenezer Cobham Brewer (1891)
"The pirate's black flag is called the ' Jolly Rover.1 A black flag is hoisted ... A black flag was displayed by Tamerlane, when a besieged city refused to ..."

2. Striking for Life: Labor's Side of the Labor Question : the Right of the by John Swinton, Samuel Gompers, Eugene Victor Debs, John William Hayes (1894)
"It is not thrown into a panic any longer by the sight of the black flag. ... The triumph of the black flag would mean our country's ruin—the utter ..."

3. A Momentous Question: The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital by John Swinton (1895)
"It is not thrown into a panic any longer by the sight of the black flag. It is coming to understand that it has but to use its own forces skilfully, ..."

4. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital by John Beauchamp Jones (1866)
"... and I understand several members of the cabinet to have always been in favor of fighting— that is, having others fight—under the "black flag. ..."

5. The International Relations of the Chinese Empire by Hosea Ballou Morse (1918)
"APPENDIX E PROCLAMATION FROM LIU YUNG FU, THE black flag CHIEF May, 1883 You French brigands live by violence in Europe and glare out on all the world like ..."

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